This course is designed for students who want to learn German at a slower pace. You will learn German twice a week in the Basic Course, as opposed to four times a week in the Intensive Course. We recommend this course to those who have a full timetable and cannot afford to spend four periods per week to learn German.

In the Basic Course, you will use same “Modelle” textbooks and the accompanying video and audio materials as in the Intensive Course. One chapter is studied over the course of four classes, completing one chapter every two weeks. Therefore, by the end of Basic 1, you will have completed the first half of Intensive 1. After completing Basic 1, you will be able to move onto Basic 2. In Basic 2, you will go over the second half of Intensive 1. After completing Basic 2, you can continue learning German by taking Intensive 2.

The syllabus for Basic 1 is identical to the first half of the Intensive 1 syllabus (Lektion 1~6), and the syllabus for Basic 2 is identical to the second half of the Intensive 1 syllabus (Lektion 7~12).