2023 Spring Semester

German courses this semester will generally be held offline (Some content courses are online).
We will be using Slack and Canvas as our main tools.
Depending on the situation, we may switch to online classes. In such cases, ZOOM will be used.

Communication Tool with Faculty (Slack)

Each class has its own workspace, and you will be registered as a member with your CNS account (sfc.keio.ac.jp), so please install it on your PC in advance.

Mac https://slack.com/intl/ja-jp/help/articles/

Windows https://slack.com/intl/ja-jp/downloads/windows

When you receive the invitation message, please access and register.


Overall email communications and important information will also be sent from Canvas. Be careful not to miss any receiving emails. Please follow any other instructions from your instructor.

*Consultation with the German language lab faculty or the student SAs is always welcome. Please feel free to contact us about anything that is not directly related to class content, how to study, useful study sites, etc. Please also make use of Slack♪

Timetable(2023 Autumn Semester)

※2023.10.06 updated

Course Schedules